State Street's goal is to provide you with a personalized Internet experiencethat delivers the information, resources, and services that are most relevantand helpful to you. To achieve this, we may collect personally identifiable aswell as anonymous information during your visits to the site. Personallyidentifiable information is information that can be used to uniquely identifyyou, such as your name, job title, telephone number and e-mail address.Anonymous information is information that tells us what you do on the site, suchas functions utilized, searches conducted, the time of day you visited the site.Any information gathered is confidential and is used in the delivery of the serviceyou have requested and to allow State Street to improve the service and youron-line experience.
Policy and Practices
Although information about your needs helps us to provide superior service,nothing is more important to our business than the trust and confidence youhave in us. That is why we want you to know how we will manage any informationwe obtain about you when you visit this site.
Recognizing your expectation of privacy on the Internet, we will make every effort to:
- Safeguard any information you share with us by applying strict standardsof security and confidentiality
- Limit the collection, use and retention of information to what we believeis necessary or useful in order to provide quality service
- Permit only authorized employees to have access to your information
- Share information with external organizations only when we have previouslyinformed you in disclosures or agreements, have received your authorization orare required by law
- Require any organization we hire to provide support services to conform toour privacy standards and to allow us to audit them for compliance
- Keep your files complete, accessible, up-to-date and accurate
Since your use of our site constitutes your acceptance of the terms of thisPrivacy Statement, you should periodically review it for changes. If you haveany question about this Privacy Statement, please contact your State Streetrelationship officer. This privacy statement applies only to our web site.
Security Measures: Maintaining Privacy
Maintaining your privacy requires that we guard against unauthorized access to yourinformation. Therefore, we operate secure data networks protected by industry-standardsecurity measures designed to protect against the loss, misuse, and alternation of thedata you share with us, either directly or indirectly.
User Authentication
Your access to this site is password-protected and for higher risk applications mayhave an additional authentication challenge. Once you select your personal password,you may enter the central portal to access information and execute transactions viayour pre-selected State Street products.
Browser Security Measures
To ensure browser security, (i) we require that your browser support SSL and (ii)you do not allow information to be stored on your hard drive unless you specificallydownload it and save it on your computer.
Data Security Measures
We take industry-standard steps to protect against any anticipated threat or hazardsto the security or integrity of your data. We utilize information-scrambling technologiesto protect the information sent to or by this site. Personal data is encrypted in ourelectronic database. This site uses VeriSign® global certificates thatautomatically enable 128-bit encryption with all versions of the required browser.
Nonetheless, no representation is made regarding the unconditional security of suchsubmissions.
To prohibit unauthorized access that may harm your records or inconvenience you, weutilize specialized computers ("firewalls") that limit the entry of those withoutproper authorization. These shields check to make sure that communication occursbetween approved individuals in accordance with proper protocol.
Ongoing Surveillance
Our security systems regularly monitor the Web server to help maintain the securityof this site, all transactions, and your personal account information. This includesmonitoring State Street's employees to ensure that only authorized individualshave access to the information you provide us.
Use of Personal Information Provided
Other than the collection of information as described above, we will not collectpersonal information about you when you visit our Web site, unless you choose todirectly provide such information to us when contacting us via this site or viae-mail. We will use this personal information to process your request and, whenapplicable, respond to you. By contacting us in this manner, you consent to thecollection and the use of your personal information for purposes of responding toyour request and in the support of services requested.
Use of Cookies
A cookie is a text-only string of information that a website transfers to thecookie file of the browser on your computer's hard disk so that the website canremember who you are and help you navigate the site.
A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie hascome, the "lifetime" of the cookie, and a value, usually a randomly generated uniquenumber. State Street uses temporary Session Cookies that allow users to navigateacross pages without having to re-enter an ID / password. Each time you visit thissite, we may collect information by use of a "cookie." Cookies may be tracked duringeach visit, thereby helping us understand what parts of the site you find most usefuland where, over time, you are likely to return. This information allows us to improvethe site's content, navigation, and customization features, providing you with a moresatisfying service experience.
Disabling/Enabling Cookies
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in yourbrowser. However, this site cannot be accessed if cookies are disabled.
For more information about cookies, their uses and instructions on modifying relatedbrowser settings, you may visit public sites such as as well asother public resources on the subject.