20 Common Clinical Pharmacist Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Congratulations on your upcoming clinical pharmacist interview! As a healthcare professional, you have the knowledge and experience to make a difference in patient care. But to land the job, you’ll need to prove that you have what it takes during the interview process.

Preparing for an interview can be daunting—especially when you don’t know what questions you might face. To help you prepare and feel confident walking into the room, we’ve rounded up some of the most common clinical pharmacist interview questions. Read on and ace those answers!

Common Clinical Pharmacist Interview Questions

  • What is your experience with providing medication therapy management services?
  • Describe a time when you had to counsel a patient on the proper use of their medications.
  • How do you handle situations where a patient does not understand or agree with your recommendations?
  • Explain your understanding of the different types of drug interactions and how they can be avoided.
  • Are you familiar with the latest regulations and laws related to clinical pharmacy practice?
  • What strategies do you use to ensure accuracy when dispensing medications?
  • Have you ever encountered a situation in which a patient was non-compliant with their treatment plan? If so, what did you do?
  • Describe your experience working with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • How do you stay informed about new drugs and treatments that are available?
  • What would you do if you suspected a colleague of making an error while filling a prescription?
  • Do you have any experience with compounding medications?
  • How do you approach educating patients about their medications and potential side effects?
  • What strategies do you use to manage multiple tasks at once?
  • How do you prioritize tasks when there is not enough time to complete everything?
  • What steps do you take to ensure accurate record keeping for all prescriptions filled?
  • What do you do if a patient has questions or concerns about their medications after leaving the pharmacy?
  • How do you handle difficult conversations with patients or family members?
  • What strategies do you use to stay organized and efficient when dealing with large volumes of prescriptions?
  • What do you do if a patient requests a medication that is not covered by their insurance?
  • Describe a time when you had to intervene in a potentially dangerous situation involving a patient’s medications.

1. What is your experience with providing medication therapy management services?

Clinical pharmacists play a critical role in the healthcare system, from helping to ensure that medications are prescribed and dispensed safely to providing medication therapy management services for patients. This question is designed to assess an applicant’s experience and knowledge in these areas, as well as their ability to explain the services they provide.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should explain your experience providing medication therapy management services. Be sure to include any relevant certifications or qualifications that demonstrate your expertise in the area. Additionally, you can discuss any particular successes you have had with patients, such as helping them adhere to their treatment plan or successfully managing a difficult medical condition. Finally, be sure to emphasize your commitment to patient safety and quality of care when discussing your experience.

Example: “I have extensive experience providing medication therapy management services to patients. I am certified in pharmacotherapy and I have a great deal of knowledge about the safe use of medications, drug interactions, and other important aspects of patient care. I also have experience helping patients adhere to their treatment plans and successfully manage complex medical conditions. My goal is always to ensure that my patients receive the best possible care and I strive to provide them with the highest quality of service.”

2. Describe a time when you had to counsel a patient on the proper use of their medications.

Clinical pharmacists are responsible for helping patients understand their medications, how they should take them, and what potential side effects they may experience. This question is meant to get an understanding of how you approach these conversations, what methods you use to ensure the patient is getting the most out of their medication, and how you handle any questions or concerns that arise.

How to Answer:

Start by explaining what medication therapy management services are and how you approach them. Discuss any experience you have with providing these services, such as talking to patients about their medications or discussing potential side effects. You can also talk about the methods you use to ensure that the patient is getting the most out of their medication, such as educating them on proper dosing and timing, monitoring for drug interactions, and helping them manage any symptoms they may be experiencing. Finally, discuss how you handle questions and concerns from patients, such as answering questions in a clear and concise manner and referring them to other healthcare professionals if needed.

Example: “I believe that medication therapy management services are essential in helping patients get the most out of their medications. When counseling a patient, I always start by asking them what they know about their medications and then provide additional education on proper dosing and timing as needed. I also explain potential side effects and warn them of any drug interactions they should be aware of. Additionally, I make sure to answer any questions or concerns they may have in a clear and concise manner, and if necessary, I refer them to other healthcare professionals for further assistance.”

3. How do you handle situations where a patient does not understand or agree with your recommendations?

Patient education and compliance is a key component of a clinical pharmacist’s job. You’ll need to be able to explain medications and their potential side effects to patients in a way that is understandable and reassuring. You’ll also need to be able to handle questions or objections from patients if they don’t agree with your recommendations. This is a great opportunity to show your problem-solving and communication skills.

How to Answer:

Start by explaining that you understand their concerns and take them seriously. You can explain the potential risks of not following your advice, such as exacerbating an existing condition or putting themselves at risk for a new one. If appropriate, provide additional resources or materials to help explain the situation in more detail. Be patient and understanding, but also be firm in your position if necessary. Above all, emphasize that you want to ensure they get the best care possible.

Example: “I always start by making sure the patient understands my recommendations and why they’re important. If they don’t agree, I take time to explain the potential risks of not following my advice. I also provide additional resources or materials if necessary to help them better understand the situation. Above all, I emphasize that my goal is to ensure they get the best care possible. I make sure to be patient and understanding, but firm in my position when needed.”

4. Explain your understanding of the different types of drug interactions and how they can be avoided.

Pharmacists must have a thorough understanding of drug interactions, side-effects, and contraindications to ensure that patients get the best possible outcomes from their medications. This in-depth knowledge of drug interactions is essential for pharmacists to be able to identify and prevent any potential issues with drug combinations. Interviewers will want to ensure that potential hires can identify and explain the different types of drug interactions and how they can be avoided.

How to Answer:

Begin by explaining the different types of drug interactions, such as pharmacodynamic, pharmaco*kinetic, and drug-disease interactions. You should also explain how each type of interaction can be identified and avoided. For example, pharmacodynamic interactions occur when two drugs have a similar or opposing effect on the body, so they can be avoided by using alternative medications that do not interact with each other. Additionally, you should emphasize your understanding of the importance of monitoring for potential drug interactions to ensure patient safety.

Example: “I understand that pharmacists must be aware of the potential for drug interactions and side-effects to ensure patient safety. There are three main types of drug interactions: pharmacodynamic, pharmaco*kinetic, and drug-disease interactions. Pharmacodynamic interactions occur when two drugs have a similar or opposing effect on the body, so they can be avoided by using alternative medications that do not interact with each other. Pharmaco*kinetic interactions occur when one drug affects the metabolism or absorption of another drug, so they can be prevented by adjusting dosages or timing of doses appropriately. Drug-disease interactions occur when certain diseases increase or decrease the effects of certain drugs, so they can be avoided through careful monitoring of patients’ medical histories. I am confident in my ability to identify and prevent any potential issues with drug combinations.”

5. Are you familiar with the latest regulations and laws related to clinical pharmacy practice?

Clinical pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that medications are prescribed and dispensed in compliance with state and federal regulations. It is essential that clinical pharmacists stay up to date on the latest regulations and laws so that they can provide the best possible care to their patients. The interviewer wants to know that you are aware of the regulations and laws and that you are prepared to comply with them.

How to Answer:

The best way to answer this question is to show that you are familiar with the latest regulations and laws related to clinical pharmacy practice. You can do this by mentioning any continuing education courses or seminars that you have taken related to these topics, as well as any articles or books that you have read on the subject. Additionally, you should be able to discuss how you ensure that your practice remains in compliance with all applicable regulations and laws.

Example: “I am very familiar with the latest regulations and laws related to clinical pharmacy practice. I have taken several continuing education courses on the subject, as well as read multiple articles and books on it. Additionally, I keep up to date on any changes in the law by subscribing to a newsletter from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists that provides updates on relevant topics. In my current position as a clinical pharmacist, I ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations through regular reviews of our policies and procedures.”

6. What strategies do you use to ensure accuracy when dispensing medications?

Clinical pharmacists are responsible for dispensing medications to patients, and accuracy is of the utmost importance in this role. Interviewers want to make sure that you are aware of the importance of accuracy and have developed strategies to ensure that you are providing the right medications to the right patients at the right time.

How to Answer:

Talk about the strategies you use to ensure accuracy when dispensing medications. These could include double-checking all orders, verifying patient information before filling a prescription, and using automated systems to track medication inventory. Additionally, talk about any safety protocols you have in place such as checking for drug interactions or potential allergies. Finally, discuss any additional steps that you take to ensure accuracy such as consulting with other healthcare professionals if needed or providing patient education on how to properly use their medications.

Example: “I take accuracy when dispensing medications very seriously. I always double-check orders for accuracy, verify patient information before filling a prescription, and use automated systems to track medication inventory. Additionally, I have safety protocols in place such as checking for drug interactions or potential allergies. If needed, I consult with other healthcare professionals to ensure the accuracy of my prescriptions, and I also provide patients with education on how to properly use their medications.”

7. Have you ever encountered a situation in which a patient was non-compliant with their treatment plan? If so, what did you do?

Clinical pharmacists play a critical role in patient care. They must be knowledgeable, organized, and compassionate to effectively manage patient treatment plans. It’s important for an interviewer to get a sense of how a potential candidate handles challenging situations, such as when a patient is not following their treatment plan. This question helps them understand how the candidate responds in these difficult situations and how they would potentially handle it in the future.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should talk about a specific situation in which a patient was non-compliant with their treatment plan and how you responded. You can discuss the steps you took to try to get the patient to comply with their treatment plan, such as providing education on the importance of taking medications as prescribed or setting up regular follow-up visits. It’s also important to emphasize your commitment to patient safety and how you worked to ensure that the patient received the best care possible despite the lack of compliance.

Example: “I recently had a situation in which a patient was not following their treatment plan as prescribed. I took the time to listen to the patient’s concerns and explain why it was important for them to take their medications as directed. I also offered resources they could use to help manage their medication, such as scheduling regular follow-up visits with me or using pill boxes to keep track of when to take their medications. Above all else, my priority was to ensure that the patient received the best care possible and that their safety was never at risk.”

8. Describe your experience working with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Clinical pharmacists are expected to have a deep understanding of the medications they dispense, but they also need to be able to build trust with their patients and work with them to ensure they’re taking the correct medications in the right doses. This means being able to recognize and respect cultural differences and being able to adjust their practice accordingly. The interviewer wants to make sure you understand the importance of this.

How to Answer:

For this answer, you should think about any experiences you’ve had working with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. If you haven’t had direct experience, talk about what steps you would take to ensure your practice was respectful and inclusive of all cultures. You can also mention any training or continuing education courses you have taken that touched on diversity and cultural competency. Finally, emphasize the importance of being able to build trust with your patients, regardless of their background.

Example: “I understand the importance of being able to work with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds in a respectful and inclusive manner. In my current role as a clinical pharmacist, I have worked with a variety of patients from different cultural backgrounds and I have always taken the time to understand their unique needs and preferences. I have also taken continuing education courses on cultural competency and diversity and I am confident that I can adjust my practice to meet the needs of all my patients. I believe that building trust and understanding with my patients is essential to providing them with the best care possible.”

9. How do you stay informed about new drugs and treatments that are available?

Clinical pharmacists need to stay abreast of the latest advances in the field of medicine as well as any changes in the availability of drugs and treatments. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking to see if the candidate is aware of the importance of staying up to date on the newest developments in the field, and if they have a strategy in place for doing so.

How to Answer:

Your answer should include the various methods you use to stay informed. This could be anything from attending conferences and seminars, reading medical journals, or talking with colleagues about their experiences. You may also want to mention that you’re a member of relevant professional organizations and take advantage of any continuing education courses they offer. Finally, emphasize your commitment to staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the field—this is an important trait for clinical pharmacists to have.

Example: “I’m very committed to staying informed on the latest advancements in the field of clinical pharmacy. I regularly attend conferences and seminars to learn about new drugs and treatments, and I subscribe to several medical journals to keep up with the latest research. I’m also a member of several professional organizations, and I take advantage of the continuing education courses they offer. Additionally, I often talk with colleagues and other healthcare professionals to get their insights on new treatments and medications. It’s important to me to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field, and I take every opportunity to do so.”

10. What would you do if you suspected a colleague of making an error while filling a prescription?

Clinical pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that patients receive the correct medication and dosage, so it’s important that they can spot potential errors and know how to address them. This question allows the interviewer to gauge a candidate’s critical thinking skills and decision-making abilities, as well as their ability to handle sensitive situations.

How to Answer:

This question is designed to assess your problem solving skills and ability to handle difficult situations. To answer this question, you should explain the steps you would take to ensure patient safety. This could include double-checking the prescription with the doctor’s orders, confirming the accuracy of the dosage, and consulting with a supervisor or other pharmacist on the team. Additionally, you should emphasize that you are committed to patient safety and would always put the patient first in any situation.

Example: “If I suspected a colleague of making an error while filling a prescription, I would take immediate action to ensure that the patient received the correct medication and dosage. I would double-check the prescription with the doctor’s orders to make sure they match and confirm the accuracy of the dosage. I would also consult with a supervisor or other pharmacist on the team to ensure that the right steps are taken. Above all, I am committed to patient safety and would always put the patient first in any situation.”

11. Do you have any experience with compounding medications?

Compounding medications is a specialized part of clinical pharmacy that requires a particular set of skills. It requires the pharmacist to understand the different types of active ingredients and how they interact with each other. The interviewer is looking to see if you have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform this type of work.

How to Answer:

You should be prepared to discuss your experience with compounding medications. Talk about any courses or certifications you have taken that relate to compounding, as well as any hands-on experience you may have. You can also mention any specific techniques or processes you are familiar with when it comes to compounding medications. Be sure to emphasize the importance of safety and accuracy in this type of work, and how you strive for excellence in all aspects of your job.

Example: “I have taken a number of courses in compounding medications, and I am certified in the practice. In my current role as a clinical pharmacist, I am responsible for compounding medications on a daily basis. I understand the importance of accuracy and safety when it comes to this type of work, and I always strive to ensure that the medications I compound are of the highest quality and potency. I am also familiar with the different techniques and processes associated with compounding medications, and I am confident that I can bring my experience and expertise to the role of clinical pharmacist at your organization.”

12. How do you approach educating patients about their medications and potential side effects?

Clinical pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that patients understand the medications they are prescribed and the potential side effects or interactions that may occur. This question will help the interviewer gauge your comfort level in discussing medications and any potential risks with patients. It also helps to ensure that you are comfortable with taking the time to educate patients and their families on the best course of action for managing their medications.

How to Answer:

You should be able to explain how you approach educating patients about their medications and potential side effects. This may include discussing the importance of following directions for taking medication, understanding the purpose of each medication, and any potential interactions or side effects that could occur. You should also discuss your experience in providing patient education as well as any techniques you use to ensure that patients understand the information they are receiving. Finally, emphasize the importance of follow-up with patients to make sure they have understood the discussion and that all questions have been answered.

Example: “I have extensive experience in providing patient education on medications and potential side effects. I always start by explaining the purpose of the medication and how it should be taken. I also provide clear instructions on how to avoid potential interactions or side effects. I always make sure to ask questions to ensure that the patient understands the information I’ve provided. I also make sure to provide follow-up with the patient to make sure they have all the information they need. I believe that patient education is an important part of clinical pharmacy practice, and I am committed to providing clear and accurate information to my patients.”

13. What strategies do you use to manage multiple tasks at once?

Clinical pharmacists have a lot of different tasks to manage and prioritize. This question gives the hiring manager an opportunity to assess your ability to multitask and prioritize in a fast-paced environment. They’ll want to know if you have the organizational skills necessary to handle the job.

How to Answer:

Talk about the strategies you use to manage multiple tasks. This could include creating a daily or weekly task list, breaking down large projects into smaller, more manageable chunks, and setting aside dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks. You can also talk about how you prioritize your tasks by importance and urgency, and how you stay organized throughout the day so that nothing falls through the cracks. Finally, emphasize any tools or technologies you use to help you manage your workload.

Example: “I always start my day by creating a daily task list and breaking down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. I prioritize my tasks by importance and urgency and set aside dedicated blocks of time for each task. I use software like Trello to help me stay organized and on top of my workload throughout the day. I also make sure to take regular breaks and set aside time for self-care in order to stay focused on the tasks at hand.”

14. How do you prioritize tasks when there is not enough time to complete everything?

Time management is a key skill for a clinical pharmacist, as there may be many demands on their time and they need to be able to prioritize tasks effectively. This question allows the interviewer to gauge how well the candidate can organize their workload and how they would approach complex or difficult situations.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should explain how you assess the importance of tasks and prioritize them accordingly. You could also talk about any systems or processes you use to organize your workload. For example, if you make a list of tasks and assign each one a priority level based on its urgency, then you can focus on completing the most urgent tasks first. Additionally, it is important to demonstrate that you are able to evaluate situations quickly and efficiently in order to determine which tasks need to be completed first.

Example: “When faced with a situation where there is not enough time to complete all tasks, I prioritize them based on their urgency and importance. I use a system to assign each task a priority level and then I focus on the most urgent tasks first. I am also able to evaluate situations quickly and efficiently in order to determine which tasks need to be completed first. This helps me to manage my time effectively and ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely manner.”

15. What steps do you take to ensure accurate record keeping for all prescriptions filled?

Accurate record keeping is essential for a clinical pharmacist, as it is the basis for a variety of important tasks. From tracking medication inventory and staying up-to-date on the latest developments in drugs and treatments, to abiding by federal and state regulations, record keeping is the cornerstone of a successful pharmacist’s work. By asking about your record keeping process, the interviewer is trying to gauge your attention to detail, your organizational skills, and your ability to think on your feet.

How to Answer:

Start by explaining the steps you take to ensure accurate record keeping. For example, you can discuss how you double-check all prescriptions before they are filled and make sure that the patient’s profile is up-to-date with the latest information. Additionally, you can talk about your experience using pharmacy software systems and how you use them to track inventory levels, keep records of interactions with patients, and monitor prescription usage. Finally, emphasize your commitment to following state and federal regulations regarding medication distribution.

Example: “I understand the importance of accurate record keeping and take multiple steps to ensure that all prescriptions I fill are accurate. I always double-check all prescriptions before they are filled and make sure that the patient’s profile is up-to-date with the latest information. Additionally, I have experience using pharmacy software systems to track inventory levels, keep records of interactions with patients, and monitor prescription usage. I also make sure to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in drugs and treatments, and abide by all state and federal regulations regarding medication distribution.”

16. What do you do if a patient has questions or concerns about their medications after leaving the pharmacy?

Pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that their patients understand how to take their medications, what side effects they may experience, and how to store and dispose of them properly. It’s important for clinical pharmacists to understand how to handle questions and concerns that may arise after a patient leaves the pharmacy, in order to ensure that the patient is taking their medications safely and effectively.

How to Answer:

In your answer, explain how you would address patient questions or concerns after they leave the pharmacy. You may want to include steps such as providing clear instructions on how to take their medications properly and safely, informing them of any potential side effects, and ensuring that they understand how and when to contact the pharmacy if they have further questions. Additionally, you can discuss how you would ensure that the patient is aware of any resources available to help with understanding and managing their medications, such as online tools or patient support groups.

Example: “When a patient has questions or concerns about their medications after leaving the pharmacy, I like to ensure that they have all the resources they need to understand and safely manage their medications. I provide clear instructions on how to take their medications properly and safely, and I inform them of any potential side effects. I also provide them with resources such as online tools or patient support groups that can help them further understand their medications. Additionally, I make sure to emphasize the importance of contacting the pharmacy if they have any further questions or concerns.”

17. How do you handle difficult conversations with patients or family members?

As a clinical pharmacist, you’ll be responsible for counseling patients and family members on the use of medications, potential side effects, and other health-related topics. You’ll also be expected to provide compassionate care, even in difficult situations. This question is designed to help the interviewer understand how you handle challenging conversations and how you approach patient care.

How to Answer:

Start by discussing your approach to difficult conversations. Do you prefer to be direct and honest with patients, or do you take a more empathetic approach? Then provide an example of a challenging conversation that you had in the past and how you handled it. Be sure to emphasize the importance of being respectful and understanding when talking to patients and family members, even if they don’t always agree with your advice. Finally, explain why compassionate care is important to you as a clinical pharmacist.

Example: “I’ve found that it’s best to approach difficult conversations with empathy and understanding. I recently had a difficult conversation with a patient’s family member about their medication regimen. I was honest and direct about the potential risks, but I also made sure to explain why I believe this was the best course of action. I could tell that they were feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, so I took the time to explain everything in detail and answer all of their questions. I think it’s important to show compassion and understanding when talking to patients and families. It can be difficult to hear difficult news, so I always try to provide reassurance and empathy to ensure that the patient and their family feel supported.”

18. What strategies do you use to stay organized and efficient when dealing with large volumes of prescriptions?

Working in a clinical pharmacy requires a lot of organization, attention to detail, and time management. You’ll have to be able to quickly and accurately process and dispense medications, and interviewers will want to make sure you have the skills necessary to do so. This question allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the job and your ability to stay organized in a fast-paced environment.

How to Answer:

You should focus your answer on the strategies you use to stay organized and efficient when dealing with large volumes of prescriptions. For example, you could mention that you create a schedule for yourself each day, prioritize tasks based on urgency, and take regular breaks throughout the day to help manage stress levels. You can also discuss any organizational techniques or tools you use, such as checklists or software programs, to streamline your workflow and ensure accuracy in dispensing medications.

Example: “I use a few different strategies to stay organized and efficient when dealing with large volumes of prescriptions. I create a schedule for myself each day so I can prioritize tasks based on urgency. I also keep a checklist of all the prescriptions I need to fill, and I use software programs to help streamline the workflow and ensure accuracy in dispensing medications. I also take regular breaks throughout the day to help manage stress levels and stay focused. I believe these strategies help me stay organized and efficient in my work, and I’m confident I can apply them in the role of a clinical pharmacist.”

19. What do you do if a patient requests a medication that is not covered by their insurance?

Clinical pharmacists are expected to be knowledgeable about the medications they dispense and the insurance plans that cover them. They must be able to work with patients to find the most cost-effective way to get the medications they need. This question is meant to test the candidate’s knowledge of insurance plans and their ability to work with patients to find the best solution.

How to Answer:

You should answer this question by walking the interviewer through the steps you would take to find a solution for the patient. Explain that you would first check with the patient’s insurance plan to see if there are any other medications covered that could be used in place of the requested one. If not, explain that you would then look into alternative ways to get the medication such as discount programs or manufacturer coupons. You can also talk about how you would discuss the options with the patient and help them make an informed decision.

Example: “If a patient requests a medication that is not covered by their insurance, I would first check with the patient’s insurance plan to see if there are any other medications covered that could be used in place of the requested one. If not, I would look into alternative ways to get the medication such as discount programs or manufacturer coupons. I would then discuss the options with the patient and help them make an informed decision about the best way to get the medication they need. I understand that cost is an important factor for many patients, so I would make sure to take into account the patient’s financial situation and provide them with information on the most cost-effective options available.”

20. Describe a time when you had to intervene in a potentially dangerous situation involving a patient’s medications.

Clinical pharmacists have a critical role to play in ensuring patient safety by providing medication reviews, monitoring drug interactions, and ensuring that prescriptions are filled correctly. An interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of your role and that you can think quickly in a potentially hazardous situation.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, think of a specific example from your past experience. Talk about the situation you faced and how you identified the potential risk. Describe what steps you took to intervene in the situation and how it was resolved. Be sure to emphasize the importance of patient safety throughout your answer and explain why it’s so important for clinical pharmacists to be vigilant when it comes to medication errors.

Example: “I once had a patient who was prescribed two different medications that had the potential to interact negatively. After reviewing their medical records, I determined that there was a potential risk of a dangerous drug interaction. I immediately contacted the prescribing physician to alert them to the potential risk and recommended an alternative medication that would be safer for the patient. The physician agreed with my recommendation and the patient’s medication was changed. I believe it’s essential for clinical pharmacists to be aware of potential drug interactions and be proactive in preventing them, as it can have serious implications for patient safety.”

20 Common Clinical Pharmacist Interview Questions and Answers (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.